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Using the Tutorial Template

To get you started quickly at writing and guarantee a minimum amount of organization overhead, we created a tutorial template, that you can use as a starting point for your new tutorials. Read below to find out how to use it, adapt it, and make it visible.

Copying the Template Files

The tutorial template is located in the repository at docs/tutorials/tutorial-template.

To start a new tutorial with hints and preformatted headings, go ahead and copy that folder to a new folder in the same parent directory.

Afterwards rename the folder to a name that describes your tutorial. The folder name will later also be the slug, that is displayed in a user's browser, so make it precise and short. Also only use alphanumeric keys alongside the - character.


Let's say the tutorial name is How to build a OpenGOV frontend with polkadot.js, a good folder name could be opengov-with-polkadot-js.

Make sure you copy the files and do not just rename the template folder, so authors coming after you can still use a fresh template for their tutorials. You can either do it in your OS or use this command from the root of your forked repo folder:

# Copy the tutorial template to a new folder
cp -r docs/tutorials/tutorial-template docs/tutorials/your-folder-name

After you completed this step, the folder structure should e.g. look like the following

├── ...
├── opengov-with-polkadot-js
│   ├── 0-intro.mdx
│   ├── 1-step1.mdx
│   ├── 2-step2.mdx
│   └── 3-conclusion.mdx
├── tutorial-template
│   ├── 0-intro.mdx
│   ├── 1-step1.mdx
│   ├── 2-step2.mdx
│   └── 3-conclusion.mdx
└── ...

You might notice, that all filenames are prefixed with a number. That is not mandatory but helps at structuring. If you reference your files, you can omit the numbers as you can see in the next step.

Adding your Tutorial to the Tutorial Sidebar

After copying the tutorial template and renaming it, you want to wire it to a sidebar in order for readers to find your tutorial when navigating the page. uses two different sidebar definitions in the file sidebars.js. The array you want to add your navigation item to is called tutorialSidebar. Add the following code to index 1 of the array, directly after intro.

const sidebars = {
tutorialSidebar: [
type: 'category',
label: '[Your Sidebar Title]',
link: {
type: 'doc',
id: 'tutorials/[your-folder-name]/intro',
items: [

It will place your new tutorial at the top, the most prominent position of the sidebar to make it well visible for readers. Then replace the label with the title of your tutorial, or if it is too long, a shorter title that will be displayed in the sidebar. Also, in the link and items attributes, make sure to set the correct folder name, by replacing [your-folder-name] with the folder name you chose above.